What Is PC Screen Freeze ?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Everybody who has ever used Windows driven PC will know that moment when the screen, and seemingly everything else, ‘freezes’.

All of a sudden you can’t move your mouse cursor, close programs or windows, or basically do anything at all, other than sit and look at a totally immobile display panel!

Everything on the screen is frozen in its current condition, so what do you do now?

Well, the first thing to do is to try being patient, waiting a few seconds to see what actually happens. Often, such a freeze is a temporary thing and everything will start functioning again in a perfectly normal manner in a few short moments.

If that doesn’t work, then you need to move to ‘plan B’ but, before we consider what that might be, lets look at what actually causes your PC screen to freeze up so dramatically in the first place.

source: http://bit.ly/aufwvw


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